Boat experiment


In science we are learning about buoyancy/pressure, So we had to test two boat one with lots of floor space and one with a little amount of floor space.

This is the video for the large floor boat

We forgot to small boat because we were having to much fun with it.

What is pressure? P = F ÷ A, the force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area over which that force is distributed.

How does it change with area? Inversely proportional to area.

Football (Soccer)

Hi guys

In PE I am starting to play football.

History: The first football association was formed in England in 1863. The person that invented football was Tsu’ Chu

How many players in a team? 11 Players

What is the size of the field? 110 to 120 yards length to 70 to 80 yard width

What are the positions in a team?

  1. Goalkeeper
  2. Right fullback
  3. Left fullback
  4. Center back
  5. Center midfield
  6. Right midfield/wing
  7. Forward
  8. Left midfield/wing

What are 5 rules about football

  1. You can’t touch the football
  2. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball
  3. Football is played in two 45 minute half

Friction experiemnt

Hey guys

We are going to be doing an experiment in Science

Aim: To investigate the relationship between wing size and drag.

What is friction? Friction is a force that acts against the motion of an object.

What experiment are we doing?

  1. Cut out and assemble the four helicopter shown on the opposite page. Attach the paper clip to one of the helicopters.
  2. One member if your group holds the helicopter at a height of 2 metres.
  3. On the count of three, the person holding the helicopter drops it, while another member of you group times how long it takes for the helicopter to hit the floor.
  4. Record your results in the table below.
  5. Repeat each drop three times.
  6. Repeat steps 2-6 using the other helicopter models.


3cm: I think this one is going to fall to the floor the fastest

4cm: I think this one is going to fall to the floor the second fastest

5cm I think this one is going to fall to the floor the second slowest

6cm I think this is going to the floor the slowest


6cm: 1.53

5cm: 1.78

4cm: 1.69

3cm: 1.84


In this investigation, I found that as wingspan of 6cm, the time to fall also was 1.53. This means that having a bigger wingspan increases the drag (friction created by ___). We made our results more reliable in this investigation by doing multiple times. 


One thing that went well was: Measuring the time the helicopters fall


One thing we could have done to improve is: Making the helicopters more better  


Touch rugby reflection – Term 2  


This term in PE we have been learning about Touch Rugby.


Touch Rugby is played with 6 players on each team on the field at one time..


The field is 70 m wide x 50 m in length.


The equipment needed is ball and bibs


Here are some of the rules:


  1. You can’t pass the ball forward 


  1. The dummy can’t be touched


  1. The dummy can’t score a try


  1. You can’t drop the ball


  1. You can to go five meters back when the other team is rolling the ball 


One thing I improved at was throwing the ball


One thing I enjoyed was throwing the ball


I could keep working on my passing


I enjoyed playing on the same team as friends. because it is always funner playing with friends


I always brought my PE gear to school


Out of 10, I would give myself a 7 for effort because I didn’t not run with the ball and I could have done better

Freedom fighters

Hello, I am doing social Sciences 2024 Year 10

Must know words:

Colonisation: A process of establishing control over specific territories or peoples for the purpose of cultivation.

Independence: The fact or state of being independent.

Empire: An extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state.

Passive Resistance: Non-violent opposition to authority, especially a refusal to cooperate with legal requirements.



Mahatma Gandhi


Civil rights:

What is the salt march?

The salt march was a nonviolent march which happened in 1930. It was a 24 day march which lasted from 12th march – 5 April 1930. The march spanned 378 kilometers from Sabarmati to Dandi, has they marched lots of Indians joined. When the Indians reached Dandi they collected water from the ocean to make there own salt.  The salt production and distribution in India had long been a lucrative monopoly of the British. Indians were poor and could not afford to pay for salt tax to the British government, so they decided to protest.  Then Gandhi broke the salt laws at 8:30 6 April 1930, it sparked large-scale of civil disobedience against the salt laws by millions of Indians. The march on the salt works went ahead on May 21, 2,500 marches got attacked and beaten by police.



Significant historical event

  • The importance of the event to people alive at the time:

Coloured people wanted to go to school with white people.


Why is Rosa Parks significant?

Rosa parks did not want to give up her sit on the bus, along with other ladies.



Beats Date 
Resting pulse 92 18/3/2024
Active pulse 112  18/3/2024 


Long distance running:

  • Increase your mileage gradually
  • Pace yourself
  • Dehydrate regularly
  • Refuel regularly 
  • Listen to your body
  • Keep yourself motivated
  • Give yourself fitness rewards 


Hey on Monday we did Athletics and have been training in PE before Athletics

This is my training

1. Introduction: write out all of the sentences in the what to do box . This is your introduction.

In PE, we have been training for athletics. We have learned about some different events. Some of the events we have learned about are Long jump and High jump

2. What is your focus event?

I have chosen to focus on Shot put.

3. What did you learn about your event?

You need to say 3 things that you have learned about your event is you need to hold your shot put up to your neck, bend your back leg and as you are pushing the shop put flick your wrist like shooting a basketball 

4. How can you improve your performance at your event?

I can improve my performance in shot put by

1. Flicking your wrist

2. twist your body

3. Aim your hand that doesn’t have the shot put were you want the shot put to g

5. How do you know if you have improved?

I know I have improved because the shot put is going further

6. What is one thing that you learned about someone else’s performance? 

I have noticed that I need to twist and flick 

7. How were you respectful to others during this unit?

I was respectful when I help them with it


Banana DNA extraction


In Science we have been learning about DNA and instructions for your body.

Yesterday we made Banana DNA.

  1. We had to put Banana in a plastic bag and the banana has to be overripe
  2. Put a pinch of salt and some water
  3. Mush it all together
  4. Then put the banana through a funnel with a cloth into a test tube, to get all the banana out
  5. Put dish washing liquid into the test tube
  6. Put the test tube in hot water for 10 min
  7. Then put ethanol on the side of the test tube so a layer would form
  8. And the DNA would rise to the top


Health – Drawing in pairs

Questions and tasks What to say
  • Describe what the activity was that you participated in
Today we played drawing in pairs 

How we played the game, was we had our back to each other and one would draw and the other would say that they had to draw.

Some of the rules of this game are don’t look at each other’s paper.

  • Which two areas of hauora were affected when you participated in the game?
The two areas of hauora that were affected by participating in Drawing in pairs (insert game name) were Taha Whanau (insert areas)
  • How were these two areas of hauora affected?
(a) My taha Whanau was affected positively because you are working with other people 

(b) My taha  Wairua was affected positively by/because you are coloring 

  • Do you think fairness OR inclusiveness were shown today? How?
(Fairness or Inclusiveness) was shown today. This was because we worked together 
  • How well do you feel that you participated in today’s activity? Why is that?
I did/ somewhat/ did not participate in today’s activity. This was because I did participate and I think my drawing was kind of similar as the picture.