

  1. Bibs
  2. Re bounders
  3. 3-4 size football
  4. Court


  1. When you are holding the ball you can take 3 steps
  2. You can hold for 3 seconds
  3. 3 paces before you hit the re bounder
  4. You hit the re bounder and it lands outside the for bitten zone
  5. When they have scored they throw the ball from the for bitten zone
  6. If the ball goes out the other team takes it from the line
  7. Up to seven players in a team
  8. You have to have thrown the ball halfway to score another point



2 thoughts on “Tchouball

  1. Kia ora Michaela
    Ka pai on your first blog post for the term. You have covered the equipment and rules thoroughly and included an awesome image of Tchoukball.
    Did you enjoy playing this new game? We will be playing it again next Thursday so then you can update this blog post with your enjoyment rating /10.
    Keep up the awesome mahi.
    Mrs Hastie

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