The Death of Princess Diana

Kia ora

In Health we have been studying about Death, Dying, and the Afterlife. We have learned about some different cultural beliefs and traditions. We have learned about the stages of grief, Cultural difference and similarities, Change, loss and grief, we watched Coco for 3 lessons

Work 1

Work 2

Work 3

I have chosen to investigate the death of Princess Diana, because she was a really nice person. 

Interesting pieces of information about Princess Diana’s death are 

  1. The paparazzi and king Charles killed her.
  2. Her death has staged
  3. She truly believed in participating in helping, not just giving money.

There were a number of ways that I demonstrated respect towards other culture beliefs during this unit. I did this by Respecting there Culture not say bad stuff about it, understanding why they do it. 

It is important that I take care of all areas of my hauora when I experience change, loss, or grief because so I am not sad all the time and want to do nothing. Then you will be come depressed. 


2 thoughts on “The Death of Princess Diana

  1. Kia ora Michaela,

    Thankyou for completing this task I really appreciate it!

    It is interesting to read about your opinion of Princess Diana’s death! I remember the day that it happened it was in 1997 and I was at my best friends house when the news broke. There is a large conspiracy around what actually happened and to this day they don’t know. I do find it odd that she died and not long after Prince Charles (now King) got together with Camilla but who am I to judge!

    I hope you enjoyed this unit and get lots out of our next unit!

    Nga Mihi

    Miss Bennett

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