Health – FBI unit

  1. What group and personality type did you first pick from the scenario and why? I picked group b which means that I am a socialiser, and I am relaxed, outgoing, focuses on relationships
  2. What did the personality test say about you? I got Defender.
  3. What is the main difference between a not-psychopath and psychopath brain? In the psychopaths brain the Limbic system is not working and so they don’t rarely show empathy.
  4. Tell me an interesting fact that you have learn’t so far? That in females the frontal lobe does not turn on until we are 20-25 and in males 30 years old.
  5. How does knowing your personality type impact (change) you taha Wairua – sense of belonging? It can help you in life for want you want to do.
  6. Include evidence (pictures/screenshots) of your work so far.

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