Cup pong & Hauora

Questions and tasks What to say
  • Describe what the activity was that you participated in 
Today we played cup pong

How we played the game was we had the cups in a triangle and tried to get the ping pong balls in the cup

Some of the rules of this game are that you can’t lean over the table. 

  • Which two areas of hauora were affected when you participated in the game?
The two areas of hauora that were affected by participating in cup pong  were social and physical. 
  • How were these two areas of hauora affected?
(a) My taha social was affected positively or negatively by/because you are working with other people 

(b) My taha physical was affected positively or negatively by/because you are moving around

  • Do you think fairness OR inclusiveness were shown today? How?
(Fairness or Inclusiveness) was shown/not shown today. This was because some people in my group  didn’t what to play.
  • How well do you feel that you participated in today’s activity? Why is that?
I did/ somewhat/ did not participate in today’s activity. This was because I did participate in this game.   




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