Month: May 2024

Football (Soccer)

Hi guys

In PE I am starting to play football.

History: The first football association was formed in England in 1863. The person that invented football was Tsu’ Chu

How many players in a team? 11 Players

What is the size of the field? 110 to 120 yards length to 70 to 80 yard width

What are the positions in a team?

  1. Goalkeeper
  2. Right fullback
  3. Left fullback
  4. Center back
  5. Center midfield
  6. Right midfield/wing
  7. Forward
  8. Left midfield/wing

What are 5 rules about football

  1. You can’t touch the football
  2. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball
  3. Football is played in two 45 minute half

Friction experiemnt

Hey guys

We are going to be doing an experiment in Science

Aim: To investigate the relationship between wing size and drag.

What is friction? Friction is a force that acts against the motion of an object.

What experiment are we doing?

  1. Cut out and assemble the four helicopter shown on the opposite page. Attach the paper clip to one of the helicopters.
  2. One member if your group holds the helicopter at a height of 2 metres.
  3. On the count of three, the person holding the helicopter drops it, while another member of you group times how long it takes for the helicopter to hit the floor.
  4. Record your results in the table below.
  5. Repeat each drop three times.
  6. Repeat steps 2-6 using the other helicopter models.


3cm: I think this one is going to fall to the floor the fastest

4cm: I think this one is going to fall to the floor the second fastest

5cm I think this one is going to fall to the floor the second slowest

6cm I think this is going to the floor the slowest


6cm: 1.53

5cm: 1.78

4cm: 1.69

3cm: 1.84


In this investigation, I found that as wingspan of 6cm, the time to fall also was 1.53. This means that having a bigger wingspan increases the drag (friction created by ___). We made our results more reliable in this investigation by doing multiple times. 


One thing that went well was: Measuring the time the helicopters fall


One thing we could have done to improve is: Making the helicopters more better  


Touch rugby reflection – Term 2  


This term in PE we have been learning about Touch Rugby.


Touch Rugby is played with 6 players on each team on the field at one time..


The field is 70 m wide x 50 m in length.


The equipment needed is ball and bibs


Here are some of the rules:


  1. You can’t pass the ball forward 


  1. The dummy can’t be touched


  1. The dummy can’t score a try


  1. You can’t drop the ball


  1. You can to go five meters back when the other team is rolling the ball 


One thing I improved at was throwing the ball


One thing I enjoyed was throwing the ball


I could keep working on my passing


I enjoyed playing on the same team as friends. because it is always funner playing with friends


I always brought my PE gear to school


Out of 10, I would give myself a 7 for effort because I didn’t not run with the ball and I could have done better