Athletics Field Events

Shot put

  • Put your arm out in front of you.
  • Hold shot put up to your neck
  • Hold it in your hands on the ends of your fingers
  • When you put the shot put you must lock your wrist and out the shot and not throw


  • Wrap your finger around the edge of the discus
  • When you throw it make sure you make it fly flat like a Frisbee

High jump

  • Eyes focused forward (broad jump) or upward (Vertical Jump) during jump
  • Ankles, knees and kip bend
  • Arms swing behind the body
  • forceful forward and upward swing of the arms
  • Legs straighten in the air
  • Ankles, knees and hips bend on landing
  • Controlled landing with no more than one step in any direction

Cup pong & Hauora

Questions and tasks What to say
  • Describe what the activity was that you participated in 
Today we played cup pong

How we played the game was we had the cups in a triangle and tried to get the ping pong balls in the cup

Some of the rules of this game are that you can’t lean over the table. 

  • Which two areas of hauora were affected when you participated in the game?
The two areas of hauora that were affected by participating in cup pong  were social and physical. 
  • How were these two areas of hauora affected?
(a) My taha social was affected positively or negatively by/because you are working with other people 

(b) My taha physical was affected positively or negatively by/because you are moving around

  • Do you think fairness OR inclusiveness were shown today? How?
(Fairness or Inclusiveness) was shown/not shown today. This was because some people in my group  didn’t what to play.
  • How well do you feel that you participated in today’s activity? Why is that?
I did/ somewhat/ did not participate in today’s activity. This was because I did participate in this game.   




FBI fingerprints

Kia Ora

  • How fingerprints are revealed at crime scenes

At the scenes they will find the evidence and dust it to get the fingerprints

  • When the first crime was solved using fingerprints evidence

It was first solved in 1892 in Buenos Aires, Argentina because two children were murdered

  • What records are kept for convicted criminal

The criminal record book kept the evidence, fingerprint and DNA sample’s

Health – FBI unit

  1. What group and personality type did you first pick from the scenario and why? I picked group b which means that I am a socialiser, and I am relaxed, outgoing, focuses on relationships
  2. What did the personality test say about you? I got Defender.
  3. What is the main difference between a not-psychopath and psychopath brain? In the psychopaths brain the Limbic system is not working and so they don’t rarely show empathy.
  4. Tell me an interesting fact that you have learn’t so far? That in females the frontal lobe does not turn on until we are 20-25 and in males 30 years old.
  5. How does knowing your personality type impact (change) you taha Wairua – sense of belonging? It can help you in life for want you want to do.
  6. Include evidence (pictures/screenshots) of your work so far.

Rugby world cup

Where is it being held? France

What countries are competing? France, NZ, Italy, Uruguay, Namibia, South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Tonga, Romania, Wales, Australia, FIJI, Georgia, Portugal, England, Japan, Argentina, Samoa and Chile.

What were the last top 4 countries at the last world cup?

  1. South Africa
  2. New Zealand
  3. Wales
  4. England

Where do you predict that the All Blacks will place? I think they would come in top five 

What date will the final be played? 29 October

Choose one of the All Blacks and write a short profile about them: 

Name: Sam cane 

DOB: 13 January 1992 

Positions played: Open side Flanker 

Place they live in NZ: Rotorua 

Which area do they play for, eg, Canterbury. King country 


Whakapakari Tinana (fitness Reflection

After trying the different activities what does fitness mean to you? Getting your heart rate up, Eating good food for your body.

Since talking about and trying different types of fitness, has your thoughts about what fitness is, changed? You don’t need to just do workouts etc, it is your eating to.

What can you do to improve your Taha Tinana? Going outside more. Eating healthier food.

How could your nutrition change depending on the exercise you do? Going on more walks with my family or friend. You could change up the different foods you eat.

How I learn best

I learn best by doing worksheets, teachers writing stuff on the board and having conversions.

You may see me talking to my friend or not concentrating on my work, this means I am bored, don’t want to do the work or I am finished.

I like it if I am stuck. My teacher can sit next to me and explain it so I understand better.

Beeswax wrap – To be or not to be


I made two beeswax wraps in sewing and I will be telling you how to make them, and what to use them for.

  1. Choose your fabric
  2. Cut out the size you want with pinking shears
  3. Grate some wax
  4. But your fabric on to wax paper
  5. Put the wax on the fabric spread it like cheese
  6. Put more baking paper on top
  7. Iron it until the wax is melted
  8. Add more was it need
  9. What for it to cool

Why we use beeswax and honey?

Beeswax is a replacement for plastic. You can use it to perverse food  in the fridge. Beewaxs wrap can be used over and over again only if you look after it well.

What properties make them suitable for an activity like beeswax wraps?
1. Antibacterial
2. Keeps your food fresh
3. Multi-use
4. Washable
5. 100% natural
How could we use beeswax and honey for other things?

Worry Critters

Hey guys

For the last 3 lessons I having been working on this worry critter. My friend Tori and I have been making matching critters. I found it fun to make, now I have a fun critter. The hardest thing to do was stitching it all together. The skill we were learning was hand stitching.

Mine                                 Tori

You should give it a go!!