Different types of Energy


I am going to be naming 8 types of energy

  1. Light energy
  2. Heat energy
  3. Sound energy
  4. Kinetic energy
  5. Electrical energy
  6. Gravitational potential energy
  7. Chemical potential energy
  8. Elastic potential energy

Definitions of energy

Light  energy – A kind of kinetic energy with the ability to makes types of light visible to human eyes.

Heat energy – Produced when a rise temperature causes atoms and molecules to move faster and collide with each other.

Sound energy – The result when a force, either sound or pressure, make an object or substance vibrate.

Kinetic energy – a form of energy that an object or a particle has by reason of its motion.

Electrical energy – A type of kinetic energy caused by moving electric charges.

Gravitational potential energy – Found in objects above the ground.

Chemical potential energy – Found in chemicals (food, fuel).

Elastic potential energy – Occurs in stretched objects.


The Death of Princess Diana

Kia ora

In Health we have been studying about Death, Dying, and the Afterlife. We have learned about some different cultural beliefs and traditions. We have learned about the stages of grief, Cultural difference and similarities, Change, loss and grief, we watched Coco for 3 lessons

Work 1

Work 2

Work 3

I have chosen to investigate the death of Princess Diana, because she was a really nice person. 

Interesting pieces of information about Princess Diana’s death are 

  1. The paparazzi and king Charles killed her.
  2. Her death has staged
  3. She truly believed in participating in helping, not just giving money.

There were a number of ways that I demonstrated respect towards other culture beliefs during this unit. I did this by Respecting there Culture not say bad stuff about it, understanding why they do it. 

It is important that I take care of all areas of my hauora when I experience change, loss, or grief because so I am not sad all the time and want to do nothing. Then you will be come depressed. 



Electromagnets meaning – A soft metal core made into a magnet by the passage of electric current through a coil surrounding it.

What makes an electromagnet stronger or weaker? Stronger – If there are more turns in the coil of wire or there is more current flowing through it. Weaker – The amount of current through the coil increases.

How can electromagnet be used?  Motors, Generators, electric buzzers plus more

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Scrap collage


I made this scrap collage in sewing





It was so hard to do and took ages, it took about 3 lessons to create it was a fun experience.  I love the look of all the patterns. I am happy with the final results and look forward to making stuff like this in the future.

Have a spectacular day.


Where does energy come from? Energy comes from a lot of things around us. Like:

  1. Water
  2. Wind
  3. Sun
  4. Coal
  5. Nuclear
  6. Lightning
  7. Gas

How do we harness this energy to make electricity?

  1. solar panels
  2. lightning
  3. dams
  4. windmills

What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy?

Renewable electricity is like Hydro-power and solar. Non-renewable energy is coal and oil.

Non-renewable energy puts pollution in the air, and renewable energy does not.


Health: Culture, Death and coping with loss

Question Sentence starters Evidence 
What is your culture?  My culture is NZ/European Pictures of anything to do with your cultural customs around death and or passing away
What happens in your culture when someone passes away? We have a funeral and send them off in a hearse When a person passes away, this is what happens we have the funeral, then we eat food the funeral home as provided, after talking and saying our goodbyes 

(say what happens at the burial /funeral /tangi /


What are some important things that happen when a person passes away? Do a speech, a video of photos  A few important things about death in our culture that I want to share are we have the funeral and have the people take them out and put them in the hearse 

(Talk about things such as processes/rules/customs)

What is something important we could learn about your culture when a person passed away? We do speeches for there farwell Something important that I want to share about my culture when a person passes away is we put flowers on there casket  
What are 3 ways to help cope with losing someone?

1. Cry

2. Write in diary  

3.Talk to someone

How will this help their hauora? Calming down

The 3 ways to help get through losing an important person are to

  1. Counselling
  2. See friends
  3. Go and see them ether in the ground, cremated

This will help their hauora by Calming down



  1. Bibs
  2. Re bounders
  3. 3-4 size football
  4. Court


  1. When you are holding the ball you can take 3 steps
  2. You can hold for 3 seconds
  3. 3 paces before you hit the re bounder
  4. You hit the re bounder and it lands outside the for bitten zone
  5. When they have scored they throw the ball from the for bitten zone
  6. If the ball goes out the other team takes it from the line
  7. Up to seven players in a team
  8. You have to have thrown the ball halfway to score another point



Investigating state changes

AIM: To observe water as t changes state from solid to liquid and then to a gas

Equipment: A 250mL beaker, thermometer, Hot plate, heatproof mat, tripod and gauze mat, stopwatch, retort stand and clamp and ice cubs.


  1. Collect enough ice so that your beaker is half full. Add 50 mL of water. place the thermometer into the water while you set up the rest of the equipment
  2. Set up the retort stand and clamp alongside the tripod and gauze mat.
  3. Place the beaker of ice on the gauze mat and gently clamp the thermometer so that it is held upright and the scale is easy to see. The bottom your thermometer should be covered by water, but not touching the bottom of the beaker.
  4. Record the initial temperature of the ice in the data table below
  5. Light the hot plate and start timing with the stopwatch
  6. Measure and record the temperature every minute
  7. Continue measuring and recording the temperature until the water has been boiling for 2-3 minutes


Murder and Mayhem

Why was the legal system so harsh? 

  1. The rich made the laws so, they said the people that commit crimes were sinful, lazy or greedy and deserved little mercy. Since the rich made the laws they made laws that protected there interest. They through that people might not commit crime if they knew they would be sentenced to death.

Public executions 

  1. They believed if they hang people in public, they would stop committing crimes. People would pay more money to get a better view of the hanging.

How well did it work?

  1. People still committed crimes they didn’t care. The problem with the “bloody code” is that most juries most people were found guilty. Trials for serious offences sometimes lasted a few minutes.


  1. Because it was far away from Britain and more place for convicts
  2. They were sent there for as little as theft, fraud or cutting down a tree
  3. Really bad they would get wiped and have to build stuff like roads and bridges and the women had to do all the washing of clothes and get their head shaved. They had shackles on their feet
  4. They routinely engaged in the beating and torture of the barnyards.