Mixture challenge

We are going to be putting water, salt, sand and bark into one bowl, and then we are going to be using filtering, straining and lots of other way to get it back into its own bowl

Step by step

  1. Strain the bark
  2. filter the sand
  3. Evaporate the salt
  4. Crystallise
  5. Distillation to get the water back


  1. Flask
  2. Filter paper
  3. Strainer
  4. Delivery tube
  5. Stand
  6. Cork
  7. Hot plate
  8. Cloth
  9. Funnel

Winter sport 2023

This term in PE we are practicing winter sport. We have started with hockey, and then we will do netball and soccer.

Here are some basics for each sport:

Hockey – 11 players per team.

Played on  field or turf.

Equipment includes hockey stick, ball, mouth-guard and shin pads. goalie wears extra protective clothing and a helmet.

One point is scored for each goal.

Netball –

7 players per team

Played on a court – indoor or outdoor

Equipment includes netball

Soccer –

11 players per team

Played on a field

Equipment includes Cleats, guards and ball

Get my raro back!!

Hey blogger

We are trying to get our Raro back

We started with Raro and water then, put sand in there and then dirt and we are trying to get it back to raro by filtering it.

The first filter we use is the coarse filter, which that it got rid of the dirt

The second filter is called the fine filter, this got rid of the sand

Then after that we heated up the raro to get rid of the dirt smell but that did not help, So everyone is saying we should have stopped at step which was the fine filter

I didn’t want to taste it because of the smell


Paint Techniques

Hey bloggers

Today I am going to be showing you what colour working I have been doing


Hope you learned something in this blog



Hi bloggers

Questions What to do Evidence 
What are the 5 areas of hauora?  The 5 areas of hauora are:

1.Taha Hinengaro /Mental and Emotional,

2.Taha wairua/Spiritual,

3. Taha Whanau/Social, 

4.Taha Tinana/Physical 

5. Whenua

How can you take care of your hauora? I can take care of my hauora by: Being social with my friends. Going out for walks everyday. Read.
What does an assertive person look like? Find a picture of someone being assertive
Which areas of your hauora are strong? Why? The area/s of my hauora that are strong right now are Physical

This is because I like to walking around the school and I walk to school and sometime I go on hikes in the weekend 



Digital storytelling

Causes and Effect of Agriculture

In this piece I am going to be explaining and how agriculture has become so important for humans. There are advantages and disadvantages to agriculture which I will also discuss.


One reason for large scale agriculture during the neolithic revolution 9000 years ago was population increase, this has meant that we need more food for example there are now 7.888 billion people in the world, compared to 1 million in 10,000 years ago.

Another reason for the neolithic revolution is there are more people then 10,000 years ago.

Advantages and Disadvantages

One advantage of agriculture is you can do it all over the world it is good because you don’t have to ship it in it is local grow  therefore, this will mean more food.

One disadvantage of agriculture is Deforestation this is bad because CO2 therefore, this will mean Global warming, the sea level will rise, more flooding this is bad because all the crops will drown then no one will get food and no one will go to school you will stop learning





A poster of the spring-free trampoline

Bean in a beaker

Hey bloggers

Aim: To observe an record germination of a bean seed.

Equipment: 250mL beaker, newspaper, water, bean seed.

Method: set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.

Your bean seed will take between one and two weeks to germinate. Once it has germinated, you will need to make daily observations of what is happening to the seed. Use the space below to write your observations.

One week later

2 weeks later

6 weeks later

One week later

One week later


Hey guys I am going to be answering question about tides.

  1. What causes tides? The moon and sun and the gravity on them. What is a low tide and a high tide? In a low tide is then there is a not much water on the beach and high tide is were there is lots of water on the beach.
  2. How often do tides occur? High tide occur every 12 hours and 25 minutes.
  3. What has a stronger influence over tides, the sun or the Moon and why? The moon does.
  4. What is a spring tide? When it is the moon and sun are in line.


So we did this Oreo experiment and made the moon shapes, how I made them I used 8 oreo’s and a toothpick to move and cut the cream. then put them on to the  paper with there name.

Did you learn about tides and the different names.

The Moon

Hey bloggers

I am going to be answering questions about the moon.3

  1. What make the moon glow? The moon reflects light from the sun.
  2. Why does the moon change shape? Well you might just think that the moon is changing shape, but it what’s actually happening is that from our spot on Earth, we see different parts of the Moon lit up by the Sun as the Moon travels in its orbit.
  3. What do we know about the gravity on the moon, and what does this mean? The Moon’s surface gravity is about 1/6th as powerful or about 1.6 meters per second per second. The Moon’s surface gravity is weaker because it is far less massive than Earth. A body’s surface gravity is proportional to its mass, but inversely proportional to the square of its radius.

Did you learn more stuff about the moon?



Hey bloggers

I have been writing about the earth and how it rotates, revolution and the Axis. Well Tori and I did it, so here is my work.


Did you know this about the earth?
