Tag: 10MBSci

Friction experiemnt

Hey guys

We are going to be doing an experiment in Science

Aim: To investigate the relationship between wing size and drag.

What is friction? Friction is a force that acts against the motion of an object.

What experiment are we doing?

  1. Cut out and assemble the four helicopter shown on the opposite page. Attach the paper clip to one of the helicopters.
  2. One member if your group holds the helicopter at a height of 2 metres.
  3. On the count of three, the person holding the helicopter drops it, while another member of you group times how long it takes for the helicopter to hit the floor.
  4. Record your results in the table below.
  5. Repeat each drop three times.
  6. Repeat steps 2-6 using the other helicopter models.


3cm: I think this one is going to fall to the floor the fastest

4cm: I think this one is going to fall to the floor the second fastest

5cm I think this one is going to fall to the floor the second slowest

6cm I think this is going to the floor the slowest


6cm: 1.53

5cm: 1.78

4cm: 1.69

3cm: 1.84


In this investigation, I found that as wingspan of 6cm, the time to fall also was 1.53. This means that having a bigger wingspan increases the drag (friction created by ___). We made our results more reliable in this investigation by doing multiple times. 


One thing that went well was: Measuring the time the helicopters fall


One thing we could have done to improve is: Making the helicopters more better  

Banana DNA extraction


In Science we have been learning about DNA and instructions for your body.

Yesterday we made Banana DNA.

  1. We had to put Banana in a plastic bag and the banana has to be overripe
  2. Put a pinch of salt and some water
  3. Mush it all together
  4. Then put the banana through a funnel with a cloth into a test tube, to get all the banana out
  5. Put dish washing liquid into the test tube
  6. Put the test tube in hot water for 10 min
  7. Then put ethanol on the side of the test tube so a layer would form
  8. And the DNA would rise to the top